Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Star trek: the video game

   Finally a star trek game!! I have been waiting for this for a while and I literally cannot compute how happy I was when I find out about the game.
     Set in the time between the reboot film star trek and the up and coming film star trek into darkness, the game's story is rather clever and rather enjoyable. Kirk and Spock along with the rest of the enterprise crew are on a mission to obtain the Helios device stolen by the Gorn race from the Vulcan people. Playing as these characters you are able to interact with, Chekov, Sulu and Uhura on the bridge. Although I must say I was slightly disappointed that I was unable to walk onto the bridge as every time I tried a cut scene was initiated.
      The game is able to be played by 1 or 2 players and everything in the game is not too hard that it cannot be completed by a single player but not too easy that a second player is completely unable to help. Every computer that needs to be hacked or every combat sequence is made easier by having the second player aiding in the action. Although the second player is helpful, balance is restored when the ‘dodgy’ camera decides to freak out and turn your character around and make you lose your perception of the environment. The first time I encountered the Gorn as soon as the cut scene ended and game play resumed I ended up going around in a circle and then looking the wrong way. Although not a big issue it did take quite a chunk out of my health, when the Gorn got a good hit on me. This happened a few time throughout the game and I even ended up dying a few time as a result. On the up note on this if you do survive the strike of the dodgy camera there are plenty of health and ammo regeneration spots in every area. I rarely ran out of ammo and rarely died from gradually losing health.  They were very well placed and always readily available when needed.
      As I said earlier I would have liked to walk onto the bridge at the beginning of the game, as I would have liked a bit more freedom in exploring the enterprise, within the game admittedly you do get to walk through the bridge, the engineering deck and the medical bay which is pretty exciting but there is a set path you have to take which limits where you can go. Maybe I’m being too hopeful in this and I suppose it is a big ask to be able to freely explore something as big as the U.S.S ENTERPRISE.
 Don't get me wrong I loved this game I mean you get to play as Kirk and Spock, and I could forgive all the other minor things if they could sort out the major flaw in the game. As already stated the game can be played by one or two players, but that feature loses its appeal when you discover that player 2 cannot upgrade any weapons or keep any of the upgrades available unless you play the whole game in one sitting, which for most people is not realistic as things like life intervene. When you exit the game and then try to continue where you left off it only loads one player even if you have played thus far with two players. You have to select chapter select and start at whatever chapter you have saved the game in again. When you do finally get into the gameplay with two players, you will find that player 2 has lost all of the XP they had previously earned and any upgrades they had bought.  Player 1 does keep everything they have earned and bought so that isn’t a problem. But some of the upgrades available help out the other player so although player 1 can help player 2, player 2 cannot use upgrades to help player 1. In combat player 2 becomes a red shirt, drawing enemy’s attention so player one can complete a stealth attack. When that is not an option player 2 stuns enemies over and over until player 1 can get the kill or take down and get the XP since there is no point player 2 getting it. If you play as player 2 you are there to make easy tasks just that bit easier for player 1,so they are not waiting around for the AI to run off in a different direction, shoot at random object and air and then catch up to them. So even though the story is interesting and there are plenty of enemies to kill, it can become a little bit boring when you are just waiting for the other player to scan everything after a fight and get all the rewards.

     Putting all these faults aside I do love the game I mean come on your walking around as James T Kirk and Spock, talking to the characters we love, fighting the Gorn, and going on your own adventure while flying the Enterprise. This may be the closest I personally am ever going to get to be a member of Starfleet and hell, I’m going to take it.
     Star Trek holds a lot of meaning for me and I’ve gone through a lot of ridicule for my love of it as well as many of the other things that I love. I will always Love it and I hope that there will be more games for this franchise, because Star Trek will always be around, it will outlive many of us and will still be shown by whatever technology is available when we are gone.
 And so there really is only one thing left for me to say and you may view it as overused and clichéd but it is still a classic and I hope you will forgive me.
  When everything is said and done the game itself is accurate and does justice to the franchise and I look forward to see what will happen next.

So……Beam me up Scotty.


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